Fertile soil, a suitable climate, and deep-rooted agricultural traditions mean the UK has unique oilseed crops and aromatic herbs, rich in lipids and micro-nutrients, the very building blocks necessary for effective skincare.

Chia Plant With Bee


Our core ingredients are native wildflowers, growing harmoniously within existing ecosystems. Extremely sustainable, needing little water and incredibly hardy, they are also essential to the future of pollinating bee and insect populations.

Farmers Field

Farming methods

Wildflowers are increasingly grown on mixed rotational farms, as they enrich the soil with vital nutrients including nitrogen. Mixed rotational systems are being reintroduced because they are both productive and sustainable. Unlike intensive single crop farming, which ultimately degrades the soil meaning the need for increasing quantities of chemical fertilisers, depleting the soil further and destroying biodiversity. As little is left living in the earth.

Working with local growers means shorter supply chains, greater transparency and a much-reduced carbon footprint.